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Welcome to my professional page, where you can discover my dedication to the evolving field of medical cannabis. I’m excited to share my work, my passion, and the innovations that are helping to shape this important area of healthcare.
I am a Family Physician with a specialization in Cannabis Medicine. My classical training has been the foundation for over twenty years of dedicated practice, applying evidence-based standards and scientific tools to the treatment of medical cannabis patients. While I’ve been honored as one of the 100 most influential individuals in cannabis, I see this recognition as a testament to the collective efforts of many in this growing field.
My work has been focused on research involving patient care and the development of new formulations. Through continuous exploration, I’ve gained insights into the nuances of cannabis medicine, insights that I strive to share across the medical landscape. I’ve served as Principal Investigator for multiple studies and have had the privilege to publish in esteemed journals like the New England Journal of Medicine. My ongoing clinical research aims to understand the therapeutic benefits of medical cannabis for a growing population of patients, both nationally and internationally.
More of Dr Caplan in The Media
I founded CED Clinic, EO Care, Inc., and The Commonwealth Project, three organizations that reflect my commitment to patient care and digital education. Since 2017, CED Clinic has become a leading medical cannabis clinic in Massachusetts, providing care to both adult and pediatric patients. Approximately 20,000 patients have received medical care through CED clinics, a responsibility I don’t take lightly.
Before CED Clinic, I oversaw the clinical care of many patients and collected data from an additional 300,000 medical cannabis patients. This experience has been both enlightening and humbling.
In 2020, I launched EO Care, Inc., a digital health company focused on making cannabinoid-based treatments more accessible and affordable. The goal is to provide a responsible and ongoing cannabis care partnership for those suffering from chronic pain, sleeplessness, and anxiety.
My latest project, one that fills me with both excitement and a sense of responsibility, is the creation of the world’s first walled-garden AI librarian. This innovation is designed to make the CED Clinic Library, the world’s largest free collection of medical cannabis literature, accessible to anyone interested in learning more about cannabis medicine. Through a chatbot interaction, anyone can query the library, even if they don’t necessarily understand scientific jargon. This translator librarian is a step towards democratizing knowledge and ensuring that information is available to all.
I also founded CED Foundation, a source for peer-reviewed cannabis literature, and Solo* Sciences, a cannabis technology company, which has since been sold to Akerna, Inc. My educational background includes Williams College, Tufts University School of Medicine, and residency in Family Medicine at the Boston Medical Center. I’ve also had the privilege to work with the Beth Israel Lahey Health Network, Codman Square Health Center, South Boston Community Health Center, and participate in a P-01 Group Project Grant for the International Consortium for Brain Mapping.